Chronicle Mobile App Comparison

*Requires Chronicle Server Addition
 Chronicle for iOSChronicle for AndroidChronicle for Windows PhoneChronicle Web
    View jobs you're associated with and search for any jobxxxx (search only)
    View and call job contactsxxx-
    View departments & activitiesxxx-
    Complete activities(coming Q2'15)-x (no rules processing)-
    Driving directionsxxxx
    Automate labor entry with technician timecards(time-clock)xx (only job related)x (timesheet)-
    View and create journals / job notes using keyboard or voicexxxx
    View surveysx-x-
    Take and upload photosx-x (limit to 15 per upload)-
    View and add documentsx-xx
    In-person Document Signingx-x-
    Equipment NFC Tagging--x-
    Offline job viewing(labor, documents, equipment)--x-
    View all events--x-
    Read and compose new emailx-xx
    Reply and forward messagesx (no documents)-x (no documents)x
    Keep email associated to jobs, people, and organizationsx-xx
    Use Chronicle contacts for emailx-xx
    Intuitive recipient search(email address, name, or username)x-x (username only)x (username only)
    Open associated context(job, contact)--x-
    View today's eventsx-xx
    View events for this weekx-xx
    View events for another employeex-x
    Add / edit event for yourself--x
    Simple search of people, organization, and groupsx-x (no groups)x (no groups)
    View associated jobs and peoplex-x-
    View and Add Journalsx (add only)-x
    View and Add Documentsx (view only)x
    Add and edit contact(phone, email, address)--x
    View your tasks--x-
    View linked documents--x-
    Use QuickActions for common tasks(clock-in, reply, delete, directions, etc.)x-x (email, events)-
    Multi-tasking friendly UIx-x-
    Tablet Optimizedx--x
    Real-time Device GPS Tracking--x-
Software RequirediOS 7.1+Android 4.0.3+Windows Phone 7+